IMAGINE lecture featuring CRT President Funke and GBNRTC's Hal Morse

Recent Past 'IMAGINE' Lectures - C-SAAHN AUDIO Links:

February 18, 201 - 3rd Tuesday - History/Future

12:30 - 1:00 P.M. "IMAGINE a Healthy, Wealthy & Sustainable Community: Appreciating the Past & The Art of Investing Locally for Tomorrow"
Douglas Funke, President, Citizens for Regional Transit &
Hal Morse, Ex. Dir., Greater Buffalo Niagara Regional Transportation Council


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Citizens for Regional Transit continues to shape and accelerate the conversation around improvement and expansion of bus and rail transit for all citizens of the Niagara Frontier.

We held public informational meetings to facilitate inclusive conversations on issues critical to expanding transit in the region.

We brought citizens, experts, and policymakers together to address issues including: the implications of midterm election results for transit funding; electricity and hydrogen as alternative energy sources for transit; and East Side development and transit access.

Throughout the year, we have been busy with letters, opinion pieces, and interviews in local media; meetings with state and federal government representatives, presentations to community groups; information tables at events; attendance at meetings of transportation agencies and community organizations; written and oral comments on regional transportation plans; and more.

CRT relies on members for all ongoing expenses. We are entirely staffed by volunteers, so contributions go directly to promoting transit. Your membership fosters our continuing and expanded efforts. You can help to keep this momentum going each year.

Join or renew now via PayPal or mail the attached form with a check to Citizens for Regional Transit, 617 Main St., Suite #201, Buffalo, NY 14203.

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You can donate or establish your membership online here.

National Highway Trust Fund Endangered

Action Alert!

The National Highway Trust Fund (an important source for transit funding) is going broke!
As cars are becoming more fuel-efficient and Americans are driving fewer miles, there is a lot less gas tax revenue collected; the highway trust fund is becoming exhausted. The federal gasoline tax hasn't been raised since 1993 and has never been indexed to inflation. Given this looming fiscal cliff, doing nothing is not an option.

Contact your federal representative today!

CRTC Conference Video Showcase

Here, you can find links to the various videos we exhibited at the 2013 CRT Transit Conference in Buffalo, NY, September 14, 2013.
Each listing gives you the runtime for the video.

1. Moving Beyond the Automobile: Transit Oriented Development (3:18).
After the light rail is extended, businesses move in, followed by people. Note that in Jersey City car ownership is even lower than in Buffalo!

2. William Lind: A Conservative Voice For Public Transportation by Elizabeth Press on November 12, 2009 (3:21).
Transit expansion is not just a green issue. The business perspective is presented here.

3. Active Living For All Ages: Creating Neighborhoods Around Transit by Robin

Urban Smith on April 17, 2012 (6:40).
Seniors need to be near transit to continue active living. This has benefits for everyone.

4. Phoenix's METRO Light Rail Takes Flight by Clarence Eckerson, Jr. on June 17, 2009 (3:21).
Planning for large increases in population.

5. Take a Ride on the Seattle Streetcar by Clarence Eckerson, Jr. on March 10, 2009 (3:58).
The new streetcar line connects to rail and to interesting neighborhoods.

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