The Citizens for Regional Transit YouTube channel
Other important videos:
The Top 7 Urban Transit Design Videos, via Web Urbanist
Buffalo-Niagara Medical Campus's initiative for more public transit usage to the Medical Campus:
Mobility Management
Moving Beyond the Automobile: Transit Oriented Development (3:18).
After the light rail is extended, businesses move in, followed by people. Note that in Jersey City car ownership is even lower than in Buffalo!
William Lind: A Conservative Voice For Public Transportation by Elizabeth Press on November 12, 2009 (3:21).
Transit expansion is not just a green issue. The business perspective is presented here.
Active Living For All Ages: Creating Neighborhoods Around Transit by Robin Urban Smith on April 17, 2012 (6:40). Seniors need to be near transit to continue active living. This has benefits for everyone.
Phoenix’s METRO Light Rail Takes Flight by Clarence Eckerson, Jr. on June 17, 2009 (3:21). Planning for large increases in population.
Take a Ride on the Seattle Streetcar by Clarence Eckerson, Jr. on March 10, 2009 (3:58). The new streetcar line connects to rail and to interesting neighborhoods.
Transit Oriented Development (14:27). In Southern California, from Los Angeles to Pasadena and beyond into the foothills, new transit lines have produced a ripple effect, stimulating housing, retail, and commercial development. People have access to jobs, shopping, and the arts within a short walk.