Citizens for R­egional Transit (the Citizens' Regional Transit Corporation)

is committed to creating a broad base of support for the improvement and expansion of bus and rail transit for all citizens of the Niagara Frontier. The purpose of the organization is to build an understanding of the benefits of transit by facilitating public participation through educational events, information sharing and other outreach efforts.

  • Citizens for Regional Transit operates on a grass-roots level, meaning we spread word through concerned citizens writing letters and being involved which then reaches upwards to the commercial and governmental levels. This is essential to CRT's mission of providing transit access for everyone. We need your help!
  • Citizens for Regional Transit advocates for improved and expanded bus and rail transit for all of WNY through citizen involvement and education.
  • Citizens for Regional Transit holds public meetings, usually on the third Tuesday or Wednesday of January, April, and October. The meetings are free and the public is cordially invited to attend. The date, time, and topic of meeting notices are posted on the CRT website, on Facebook, and via the newsletter mailing list.

CRT is supported by dues and donations. Join us! Membership dues are fully tax-deductible:

Suggested donation levels: 

Corporate - name and logo will be shown on our website $250. - $1000. 
Group/organization $50. 
Household $35. 
Individual $25. 
Student, senior, unemployed, etc. $5. 

Donations may be made through Paypal (crtcATcitizenstransitDOTorg) or by mail to Citizens for Regional Transit, 617 Main Street Suite #201, Buffalo, NY 14203